Registration Status of Gramaus

The GRAMAUS started functioning voluntarily in 1984. With passage of time and involving, with the rural people through program implementation the organization feels for its registration and through formal procedure registration had been taken from the Department of Social Welfare in 1985. With the efforts of its executive director and associates the organization became healthy in respect of project implementation and fund flow. Started the decade of nineties the organization started to handle donor (foreign) assisted projects. By this way it increased its activities and established as a reputed NGO, as such the organization got formal approval as an NGO in 1993 by the NGO-Bureau other hand GRAMAUS has been started microfinance from 1993 for operation microfinance progrmme PKSF support to GRAMAUS in 1995 among Micro-credit Regulatory Authority give us approval in 2008. The details of its registration and approval are shown in theĀ  following table.

SL. No. Name of Concerned Dept./Institute Registration No Date of Registration
01. Department of Social Services Ma – 0478 31.12.1985
02. NGO Affairs Bureau FDR-790 29.12.1993
03. Micro credit Regulatory Authority 02830-03273-00201 25.03.2008